On Saturday 1 March the Bharata Natyam-Ranga Pravesha, the stage debut of Iniya Umamageswaran will take place in the premises of Nateschwara Academy in the Nateschwara Theatre.

Iniya says: “In the last few years, Bharata Natyam has become a very important part of my life. Despite my studies at the Kantonsschule Wettingen, I am able to connect with myself regularly through dance. This gives me a deep sense of joy and inner peace. It is an incredible honour for me to learn from my Guruji, a dedicated and devoted teacher, and to make my stage debut under her guidance.”

The event is open to the public, but due to numerous reservations the number of seats is very limited.

01.Mar.2025, 16:00 hrs | Nateschwara Theater, Baden

Tickets: click here

Iniya Umamageswaran

Iniya was born and raised in Switzerland to Tamil parents. At the age of nine, during a family visit to the sacred temple of Chidambaram in India, she attended the renowned annual dance festival held there. The mesmerizing performances of the dancers, adorned in vibrant costumes and jewelry, left a lasting impression on her young mind. It was in that moment that her passion for Bharata Natyam was sparked.

Inspired by her mother, who had also learned Bharata Natyam and dreamed of seeing her daughter graduate through Ranga Pravesha, Iniya embarked on her own dance journey. For her, Bharata Natyam is a harmonious blend of strength, expression, and devotion. It has become a source of well-being and a refreshing contrast to daily life.

Her training under Guruji Vijaya Rao, a dedicated artist and revered teacher, has been both inspiring and transformative. The camaraderie with her fellow dancers and the invaluable lessons learned through this art form continue to motivate her to strive for excellence. Over the years, Bharata Natyam has become an integral part of her life, offering her profound joy and inner peace.

Currently pursuing her studies at Kantonsschule Wettingen, Iniya finds a beautiful balance between academics and dance. With immense gratitude, she makes her Arangetram debut under the nurturing Mentor-ship of Guruji Vijaya Rao.