by Anton Tönz, Yoga & Meditation teacher, Author
In January 2024, a new course ‘Vedic Yoga’ will begin with weekly lessons from Anton Tönz at the Nateschwara Academy, Baden. On Friday, December 8, 2023, yoga and meditation teacher Anton Tönz will give an insight into the special features of this holistic yoga. Anton Tönz translated and commented on the Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad, which is considered a Yogic Upanishad. The paperback Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad – Wisdom of the Vedas (in German language)can now be pre-ordered. It is currently in print and is expected to be available in January 2024.
Venue: Nateschwara Theatre, Rütistrasse 3, 5400 Baden
Date: Fr, 08.December.2023, 19:00 hrs
Entry: free contribution to expenses. Please contact us per e-mail or telephone.