“Dancing has fascinated me since my childhood. Bharata Natyam takes me to my native India, especially to South India. It shows me the rich and old culture. At the same time, dancing gives me tremendous pleasure, it gives me strength and a sense of life. For me, learning Bharata Natyam is simply a long and beautiful journey that has just begun. I thank my parents and my gurus for their support and guidance. “

Aparna Neelakandhan was born in 1989 in Kerala, India. At the age of 5, she started learning Indian dance from Ms. Neeraja Rajendran in Riyadh. In 1998, Aparna moved to Switzerland with her family and continued her training under the guidance of Mrs. Vijaya Rao. She studied Bharata Natyam at the Nateschwara Academy in Baden for 10 years and completed her basic education in 2008 with the Ranga Pravesha (stage debut). After graduating from the Kantonsschule Wettingen, she devoted herself to her studies. Since 2014, she is again a member of the Nateschwara Dance Company.
Aparna dances with such an ease that it appears as if she’s already born with a basic understanding of this art. Her distinct feel for rhythm, her steady memory and her precision make her a balanced dancer.