“Bharata Natyam makes my body ring, clears my mind and opens my heart. It gives wings to my soul. To share this feeling of bliss as a dancer with my audience is like the whipped cream on top of a chocolate cake. Bharata Natyam to me is a prayer in dance, filled with beauty and devotion. My gratitude for this knowledge has no limits. “

Yvonne Nydegger started her training in Indian dance in 2003 at the Nateschwara Academy. After five years she completed her professional education, which involved also training in Carnatic vocal music and language studies in Sanskrit and Hindi. She did her Ranga Pravesha (stage debut) under Vijaya Rao in Bangalore (India).
From the beginning, Yvonne Nydegger felt a kind of affinity for Bharata Natyam. She has devoted herself completely to this art and thanks to her readiness of mind and alertness she has grown into a brilliant dancer. To her Bharata Natyam is a way to reach full physical perfection and to harmonize the body, mind and soul. She captivates her audience with her keen sense of aesthetic movements and sensual harmony.
Since 2008 she’s an active member of the Nateschwara Dance Company and has participated in numerous performances of the troupe, including the dance drama “Jesus of Nazareth” in Bangalore (India) and the 30-years-jubilee program at the Nateschwara Theatre. She’s also a regular student in yoga and meditation of Anton Tönz and has completed her meditation teachers training under him. At the moment, Yvonne Nydegger attends a teacher-training course at the Nateschwara Academy.