Sharada Iser was born in 1998 in Switzerland. She grew up in a family that had close contact with Indian culture. Sharada already experienced Indian music and Indian dance in the womb: her mother studied Bharata Natyam at the Nateshwara Academy and danced during pregnancy until shortly before Sharada’s birth. At the age of eight, Sharada got the opportunity to learn dance herself. Maybe, at first it looked like she was only accompanying her mother to the dance class. In fact, Bharata Natyam soon became her own passion.

Since her early teens, Sharada has loved the melody, rhythm and movement of Indian dance. For her, no other dance style combines these three qualities in such perfection. Today, she is fascinated by the connection between rhythmic dance and narrative dance, in which content and facial expressions are presented. It is that which moves her in Bharata Natyam to the core.
At the Nateshwara Academy, she felt that she was in the right place: “Vijaya Rao teaches her students this demanding style of dance in a consistent, yet loving way and in a sensitive way. She manages to get the most out of every student. She sees it as her artistic duty and educational task to pass on this ancient dance art in its authenticity. Her daughter Sharmila Rao teaches in a refreshing and cheerful way. Rosmarie Weber makes the trio perfect, for she too is conscientious and patient in her dedication to this dance. “
Sharada has a sunny nature. Her natural style is refreshing and her dance lives on a rare grace. Since her Ranga Pravesha (stage debut) in 2016, Sharada Iser has performed both solo and as a member of the Nateschwara Dance Company, including in 2019 , in the dance drama “Gautama Buddha”.